General Litigation Needs?
Whether it’s a bet-your-business lawsuit, a real estate deal gone sour, or a simple matter of collections, we provide top-notch litigation services to clients big and small. We are there for you from beginning to end—we will file your lawsuit (or answer a lawsuit filed against you), diligently build your case with solid evidence through discovery, and aggressively present your case at trial. We will walk you with confidence through the process, regardless of whether it involves pre-suit negotiations, mediation, filing a lawsuit, arbitration, or other proceedings. We represent clients in state and federal courts as well as before other tribunals, such as the American Arbitration Association (AAA) and the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA). Our practice includes business litigation, real estate disputes, breaches of contract, entertainment law, trademarks, defamation (slander and libel), commercial and merchant litigation, partnership disputes, deceptive trade practices, business and consumer fraud, collections, securities arbitration, probate proceedings, employment disputes, and contested wills and trusts, among other types of litigation. Do you need to sue? Have you been sued? Don’t wait or you may waive your rights.
Give us a call.